The Electric Fantasie collection consists of four different looks: The Artsy Muse, The Seductive Temptress, The Enchanted Queen, and The Wise Mystic. To celebrate the collection, L'Oreal makeup artists were on hand at Duane Reade to offer guests free makeovers and makeup tips from the look of their choice. It was a hard decision (all of the looks are gorgeous!), but I chose The Seductive Temptress. I loved the warm tones of green and brown, and couldn't wait to see the final look.
My Seductive Temptress goodies!
You can check out more photos from the #DRLoreal event on my Google + page, and look out for an full review on the products I picked up from the collection.
The full Electric Fantasie line is currently available in-stores; will you purchase the collection?
Check out Duane Reade's Social Channels for news and updates:
I am a member of the Collective BiasTM Social Fabric® Community. This
shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for
Collective BiasTM.
Love hanging with you at the event!