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Currently Playing: Google's Ingress

I'm not a gamer in the traditional sense, but you can definitely catch me playing most of the popular games available on my Android device. Duane Reade gave me the chance to test Google's newest game, Ingress (created by the Niantic Project) and I'm hooked! Admittedly, it took me a while to understand the game and really get the hang of playing it, but I love the idea of real-life game play.

Here is the synopsis (and check out the video here):

Once they have picked a side, players will have to move through the real world using their Android device and the Ingress app to discover and tap sources of this mysterious energy. They will be able to acquire objects to aid in their quest, deploy tech to capture territory, and ally with other players to advance the cause of the Enlightened or the Resistance.

This popular video on YouTube is really helpful if you're just starting out as well...

I've had so much fun walking around my neighborhood, following the map, and seeing which portals are near me. And really, the best part of the game is the fact that it's interactive. It can be a bit difficult at first to figure out the best way to play the game, but I'm learning through training missions. What's even cooler is Duane Reade has gotten involved by becoming a meeting point for Ingress players. When gamers see the Ingress logo on the store window and spot the sticker in the frozen food section, they can collect XM and other game goodies. You can check out my progress in the game so far in my album on Google+, here.
The game is currently invite only, but hopefully it will be opened to the public soon! 

Update: Below are a few activation codes you can use to get started with Ingress!

Be sure to follow along with the hashtag #IngressDR on Twitter and Facebook to chat with other gamers, and check out your local Duane Reade for your Ingress goodies.

Have you played Ingress yet?

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™. #CBias #SocialFabric There were no requirements that I express a particular point of view also known as all opinions I expressed are my own.


  1. I would love an invite to Ingress! Thanks!

    1. Forgot my email address: jbcantrell@gmail.com :D

  2. I would be awesome if you could send me an invite

    Thanks :)

  3. Greetings! I would be thrilled and grateful, if you could send me an invite. oligsei dot reznikov at Gmail dot com


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